3.3 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered, or
environmentally preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible, provided that the
material meets or exceeds the operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes economically
advantageous life cycle costs
3.3.1 Materials. The connectors, caps, covers, storage receptacles or other protective accessory
hardware shall be constructed of material as specified herein and in the applicable specification sheet
(see 3.1). In all cases, materials selected for use shall meet all qualification requirements as specified,
and be of a type and quality to assure physical, chemical, and optical compatibility with the requirements
of this specification. All materials used shall be nontoxic (see, nonnutrient to fungus (see
and manufactured to good workmanship quality (see 3.13). Materials chosen shall be the lightest
practicable material suitable for the intended use. Materials shall not interfere with or degrade the
terminus cleaning operation. General. Materials may be dielectric or conductive as applicable. Materials shall in no manner
interfere with or degrade the fiber-optical termination process, termini cleaning operation, or optical
junction transmission. Materials which are not specified shall be of the lightest practical weight and
suitable for the intended purpose.
3.3.2 Metals. Unless otherwise specified (see 3.1), all metals shall be corrosion resistant types (300
series CRES recommended), or shall be suitably plated or otherwise finished to prevent corrosion during
service life under any of the environmental conditions specified by the document. All metals shall be
nonmagnetic. Dissimilar metals. Dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate contact with each other
unless suitably finished to prevent electrolytic corrosion. The criteria for the selection and protection of
dissimilar metal combination shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-889.
3.3.3 Steel parts and finishes. Unless otherwise specified (see 3.1), all exposed corrosion-resistant
steel parts of the connector assembly shall have a passivated finish which permits the attainment of a
surface finish condition compatible with external coatings or platings of the type and color specified (see
3.1). Stainless steel components. Stainless steel components shall be passivated and nonreflective.
3.3.4 Nonmetallic materials. All nonmetallic materials used in the construction of connectors specified
by this document shall not be affected by the use of cleaning materials nor shall any substance used in
the construction of the connectors be degraded when operating at the environmental conditions herein
specified. Mercury and radioactive material. Mercury and radioactive materials shall not be used in the
construction of the connectors, caps, covers, storage receptacles, or other protective accessory hardware
specified by this document. Toxic and hazardous products and formulations. Materials used in the connector, backshell, or
accessories shall not give off toxic or explosive fumes when exposed to flame. The material shall have
no adverse effect on the health of personnel when used for its intended purpose. Questions pertinent to
this effect shall be referred by the contracting activity to the appropriate departmental medical service
who will act as an advisor to the contracting agency.
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