3.11.21 Thermal shock. When tested in accordance with 4.9.21, a post-test visual examination of the
tested connectors shall reveal no evidence of connector part dimensional change, no leaking of
waterproofing compounds or other apparent loss of sealing capability, no surface or identification marking
impairment, no coupling-thread binding or other evidence of mating/unmating incapability and no other
damage detrimental to the operation of the connector. Before, during, and after the test, the insertion loss
of the mated connector shall be measured and shall be within the limits in 3.10.1. During the thermal
stress, the insertion loss of each connector channel shall be measured at the extremes as well as at
ambient temperatures and shall be within the limits specified in 3.10.1.
3.11.22 Physical shock. When tested in accordance with 4.9.22, the connectors shall show no
evidence of broken, loose, deformed or displaced parts, cracks, chips or other damage, which would
result in a degradation of optical performance. Insertion loss shall not exceed the limits in 3.10.1 before
and after the test and the requirements of 3.10.2 shall be met before, during, and after the test.
3.11.23 Vibration. When tested in accordance with 4.9.23, there shall be no transient change in optical
performance beyond specification limits and there shall be no disengagement of the mated connectors,
backing off from the coupling mechanism, evidence of cracking, breaking, or loosening of parts. The
3.11.24 Humidity. When tested in accordance with 4.9.24, the connectors shall operate without
degradation beyond the performance limits specified in 3.10.1 before, during, and after exposure to the
humidity conditions specified. There shall be no visual evidence of deterioration of component parts or
constituent materials, loosening of finishes, physical distortion, corrosion of metals, entrapment of
materials, separation of bonded surfaces or other damages.
3.11.25 Salt spray. When tested in accordance with 4.9.25, the mated connectors shall not show
exposure of base metal or corrosion products, which will adversely affect performance. No visible
evidence of salt penetration into the connector sealed area shall be observed. Following the test,
insertion loss shall be within the limits in 3.10.1.
3.11.26 Altitude immersion. When tested in accordance with 4.9.26, assembled, mated connectors
shall show no deterioration, which will adversely affect performance of the connectors. Insertion loss
shall be within the limits in 3.10.1 before and after the test.
3.11.27 Fluid immersion test. When tested in accordance with 4.9.27, visual examination of the test
connector shall reveal no swelling or softening of material, no loss of sealing capability or identification
marking and no discoloration or other effects detrimental to the intended use of these connectors.
3.11.28 Water pressure/freezing. When tested in accordance with 4.9.28, visual inspection of the test
connector shall reveal no penetration of water into the sealed region of the mated connector. The
requirements of 3.10.1 shall be met before, during, and after the test.
3.11.29 Sand and dust. When tested in accordance with 4.9.29, the connectors shall show no
evidence of physical damage, which will adversely affect the operation of the connector. The change in
optical transmittance requirements of 3.10.5 shall be met during and after the test, also the coupling force
3.11.30 Ozone exposure. When tested in accordance with 4.9.30, there shall be no evidence of
cracking of plastic and rubber parts or other damage due to ozone exposure that will adversely affect
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