Inspections for termini as an integral part of a multiple termini connector:
Test sample configuration: Four test samples (mated connector assemblies) shall be used for group
I inspections except for interoperability. Two of these four mated connector assemblies shall be
used for group II inspections and two for group III inspections. Each mated connector assembly
shall be comprised of a cable assembly with termini placed into MIL-DTL-38999 shell size 17, series
III connectors. These termini/connectors are located in the middle of the cable assembly. Termini,
selected from the group that passed inspections for un-terminated termini, shall be used and
inserted into MIL-DTL-38999 shell size 17 or higher, series III connectors as part of the cable
assembly that comprises each test sample. Cable assembly length shall be 10 meters with the
connector mated pair inserted 5 meters from the cable ends. Cable length may be longer (with
added cable at the optical source end) if cut-backs are performed to verify insertion loss. Each
connector shall be fully populated with termini. At least 8 randomly selected termini pairs in each
cable assembly shall be monitored for optical transmittance after, and when specified, during
environmental and mechanical testing. Insertion loss shall be performed on all termini pairs in each
cable assembly. Connectors used in the cable assembly, both the plug and receptacle types, are to
include backshells. Selection of the backshell is to include assurance of proper strain relief for each
single fiber cable and not cause degradation in optical performance. Test sample configurations,
fabrication methods and the specific test methods and practices shall be as specified in NAVSEA
Drawing 8283255.
Interoperability. Applicable, except test for terminus insertion and removal forces is not required.
Testing shall be performed using two separately designated cable assemblies with fully populated,
MIL-DTL-38999, series III, shell size 17 connectors. Test performance and test sample
configurations/fabrication shall conform to NAVSEA Drawing 8283255. As part of the interoperability
inspection, terminus on the end of single fiber cable, shall be inserted and removed from the
connector to verify that the strain relief is compatible with the tools listed in table II. At the discretion
of the preparing activity, selected configurations may be specified to undergo inspections for shock,
vibration, and mating durability. Interoperability is applicable only for termini among vendors with the
same TICC such as fiber size, ferrule hole diameter, and ferrule material (see table I) with one
addition. Termini shall be interoperable regardless of the style. Qualification by similarity will be
given to a terminus in the same row in table I as the terminus tested for interoperability. This
qualification by similarity is valid if the only difference between the terminus tested for interoperability
and the terminus configuration in the same row in table I is a different cable strain relief capture
mechanism and TICC markings.
Optical source wavelength. Termini with single mode fiber shall be tested using an optical source at
the 1,310 nm wavelength. Termini with multimode fiber can be tested using an optical source at
either the 850 nm or the 1,300 nm wavelength.
Launch conditions shall conform to NAVSEA Drawing 8283255:
Insertion loss. The initial insertion loss and the insertion loss verification for the various fiber sizes
and ferrule materials shall be as specified in table IV. The insertion loss limits specified are the
maximum allowed values for each measurement (each mating with respect to the pre-cut back
measurement), not the average of the ten mating or other averaging schemes.
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